
Learn and Earn

AI & Digital Marketing Bootcamps

atomcamp and LGS Group of Colleges have collaborated to upskill the youth of Lahore.

atomcamp & LGS have collaborated to provide 2 bootcamps for Lahore’s youth to train them in the most in-demand skills.

Why should you enroll in these bootcamps?

The Data Science & AI engineering market, currently at $8 billion, is set to grow at 35% annually from 2023 to 2032. Key trends for 2023 include generative AI, sustainable AI, and augmented working, with significant growth expected in cloud-based AI applications, according to Gartner.

Digital marketing is one of the fastest growing in-demand skills for 2024. As per Forbes, the professions within digital marketing are set to witness a 6% increase in growth—higher than the average job growth rate—by 2032. That’s why we believe that it’s the ideal time for these young kids to learn these technical and creative skills.

Given these metrics, we believe that it’s high time to train Pakistani youth in these technical and digital skills.


PKR 40,000 /per month
  • For 2 Months


PKR 60,000 Advanced
  • For 2 Months

Check your Eligibility

Why choose these bootcamps?

Get yourself ready for future of work and here is how we help you do that:

AI Engineering Market Size (2023)
Annual Growth Rate
Digital Marketing Growth Rate (2032)

Which bootcamp interests you the most?

Data Science & AI

Digital Marketing

Data Science & AI

After completing this bootcamp, you will be in a position to step into the role of a young data scientist and AI developer. We have designed it specially for teens aged 14 to 18, meaning it’s fun and easy to digest.

Throughout this course, you’ll get to learn fundamentals of data analysis, database management, and get creative with AI using the low-code tools.

Each instructor-led class includes activities that reinforce what you’ve learned and let you apply your new skills in engaging ways. Ready to discover how data can change the world? Sign up now and start your tech adventure with us.

Learning Outcomes


  • Introduction to Data Analysis
    • Understand different types of data and the importance of data analysis.
    • Explore real-world examples of data analysis across various fields.
  • Excel for Data Analysis
    • Navigate the Excel interface, manage workbooks and worksheets.
    • Enter and format data, use basic formulas (SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX).
    • Create and customize charts and PivotTables for data visualization.
  • Power BI
    • Import data from various sources and create basic visual reports.
    • Manipulate and filter data within reports, create measures and calculated columns.
    • Use DAX to solve complex data problems and enhance report functionality.
  • SQL
    • Learn the basics of SQL for database management.
    • Perform data filtering, sorting, aggregating, and table joins.
    • Explore advanced query techniques, including window functions and data modification.
  • Introduction to Low-Code/No-Code Tools
    • Understand the benefits and limitations of low-code/no-code development.
    • Get acquainted with various platforms for different development needs.
  • Project-Based Learning with Low-Code/No-Code Platforms
    • Softr: Build web applications using a drag-and-drop interface.
    • Bubble: Develop web apps with visual editing, database functionality, and user authentication.
    • Glide & Draftbit: Create simple to complex mobile apps for multiple platforms.
    • Zapier & Bildr: Automate workflows and build flexible, customizable app interfaces.
    • Backendless & FlutterFlow: Manage databases, APIs, and create cross-platform apps.
    • Botpress & Manychat: Develop conversational AI bots using NLP and LLM-based tools.

Digital Marketing Bootcamp

Discover the secrets of digital marketing in our comprehensive bootcamp, perfect for young enthusiasts eager to learn. Over two months, dive into SEO, content marketing, social media strategies, and much more. Each class includes dynamic activities that enhance learning and provide practical experience. Join us to build a strong foundation in digital marketing and prepare for a future in the digital world!”

Learning Outcomes


Introduction to Digital Marketing

  •     How Digital Marketing works?
  •     What platforms fall under Digital Marketing?/Types of Digital Marketing Channels
  •     Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Content Marketing

  •     What is content marketing?
  •     What are the different forms of content marketing? Blogs, E books, Newsletters, Infographics, Social Media Content, email marketing, influencer marketing etc
  •     How to develop your content strategy?
  •     How to create visual content? - Canva example
  •     What are some examples of brands using content marketing?
  •     How does content marketing help brands with their goals.

Social Media Marketing

  •     Social Media Marketing Overview/Social Media Landscape in Pakistan
  •     Social Media Marketing platforms
  •     Social Media Marketing Strategy
  •     Social Media planning and publishing
  •     Social Media listening/analytics/reporting/metrics
  •     Brands that have best social media marketing strategy

Email Marketing

  •     What is email marketing?
  •     What are the different types of marketing emails?
  •     The benefits of email marketing
  •     Examples of brands email marketing strategy
  •     How to do start a email marketing campaign

Paid Marketing (All ads covered in digital marketing)

  •  What is paid marketing?
  •  What are the different types of paid ads? Display ads, social media ads, pay per click, videos ads, native ads, etc
  • Guidelines for ads

Measuring analytics 

  • What are digital marketing analytics?
  • Why are metrics important?
  • Metrics for evaluating content marketing or websites
  • Metrics for evaluating a social media campaign
  • Metrics for evaluating an email campaign
  • Metrics for evaluating an e-commerce website
  • Metrics for evaluating lead generation

 Strategy and Planning

  • Developing a digital marketing strategy
  • Budgeting and resource allocation
  • Campaign planning and execution

Mobile Marketing

  • What is mobile marketing?
  • What are the different types of mobile marketing?
  • Examples of mobile marketing

 E-commerce and Online Sales

  • E-commerce platforms
  • Conversion rate optimization (CRO)
  • Customer journey and user experience

Social Responsibility and Ethics

  • Ethical considerations in digital marketing
  • Data privacy and consumer protection

 Digital Marketing Trends and Future Directions

  • Emerging technologies and trends
  • Preparing for the future of digital marketing

Search Engine Optimization

  •     What is Search Engine Optimization and how does it work?
  •     How to search for keywords?
  •     How to optimize a website? - Example
  •     (SEO) basics On-page and off-page SEO techniques
  •     SEO vs SEM
  •     Top tips to improve your Website SEO optimization.
  •     What is paid marketing?
  •     What are the different types of paid ads? Display ads, social media ads, pay per click, videos ads, native ads, etc
  •     Guidelines for ads

Measuring analytics 

  •     What are digital marketing analytics?
  •     Why are metrics important?
  •     Metrics for evaluating content marketing or websites
  •     Metrics for evaluating a social media campaign
  •     Metrics for evaluating an email campaign
  •     Metrics for evaluating an e-commerce website
  •     Metrics for evaluating lead generation

 Strategy and Planning

  •     Developing a digital marketing strategy
  •     Budgeting and resource allocation
  •     Campaign planning and execution

Pricing Plans


40,000 /per month
  • Standard Monthly
  • For 2 Months


  • Lumpsum (Advance Payment)
  • For 2 Months

Locations Where You Can Take These Bootcamps

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